Cats are wonderful little pets to have in your home.
If you have an indoor cat or are considering getting an indoor cat, you are aware that you should have a litter box so your pet can “do its business” in the same area each day.
However, these little creatures can be pretty particular about where they conduct this business. If the box is too dirty, your cat probably will find somewhere else to go.
If you can smell the box, so can your cat! You don’t want to use a dirty bathroom, do you? Probably not.
Your cat doesn’t want to either so it is important to make sure the litter box stays nice and clean for your kitty.
So what is the best way to clean a cat litter box?
There are a few things you need to keep in mind to make sure your cat’s box is up to its standards. You don’t want it to start leaving you little “presents” outside of the box now do you?
The Best Way To Clean A Cat Litter Box
When keeping your cat’s litter box clean, there are a few things you should consider.
First, you need to know how often to clean out the litter box.
Second, you will need to know what to clean and wash the litter box with.
Third, you will want to know exactly how the litter box should be clean to make sure your kitty will continue using the box instead of going outside of the box in an undesired location.
How Often Should You Clean The Litter Box?
You should be scooping the litter box at least once a day.
If you use the non-clumping type of cat litter, use the scoop to remove all of the poop that has been left there for the day.
If you use clumping cat litter, make sure you are removing those clumps along with any poop that is in the box.
If you are sensitive to the smell, you can scoop right after your cat uses the litter box.
Do I need to clean the cat litter more often If I have more than one cat?
Keep in mind, if you have more than one cat, you might have to scoop more than once per day. Some cats don’t like the smell of other cats in their box so you should try to keep it as clean as possible.
It also might be a good idea to get more than one litter box the more cats you have. If you think you have enough, you probably don’t!
Where do I put the used cat litter then?
After you have scooped the poop and the urine clumps out of the box, make sure you throw it away outside.
Do not put it in the trash can that is located inside!
You (and your cat) will still be able to smell it so it is best to take it to a trash can that is located outside. Nobody wants bags of poop sitting inside their home!
While you should scoop the box at least once per day, you need the box to be clean as well. You should clean the actual box at least once per week. This includes emptying old litter, cleaning the box, and putting in fresh litter.
What You Should Use To Wash The Litter Box.
As has been stated above, it is a good idea to scoop the litter box at least once per day.
However, you also need the actual box to be clean in order to keep your kitty happy with its surroundings.
This means emptying the dirty litter and washing the litter box itself.
The box can get pretty dirty, with residue, poop, and urine settling to the bottom of the box. If you don’t keep it clean, again, your cat might let you know it isn’t happy with you.
What soaps and chemicals can be used to wash a litter box?
Some people suggest using bleach to help kill germs. This is actually not a great idea.
While bleach might kill germs, it also has a potent scent that your cat will not like nor is it healthy for your cat to breathe in bleach fumes.
Also, cat urine is very high in ammonia and we all know that it is a BAD idea to mix ammonia and bleach! That is a big no-no when it comes to cleaning anything.
Can I use scented cleaner on a cat litter box?
It is best to keep in mind what type of smell something has before you use it to wash the litter box.
Most of the time, rinsing it out with water or using a damp cloth will get the job done.
If you feel the need to use something a bit more effective than water, dish soap can be great for cleaning a litter box. Other, harsher chemicals not only smell bad to your kitty, but they could also be harmful to their health so it is best to avoid them.
How To Wash A Litter Box after emptying.
Now that you know how often to clean a litter box and what types of supplies you need in order to clean it, it is time to find out exactly how you should go about cleaning it.
It isn’t a very complicated process but it is an important thing to do. Your kitty will thank you!
Firstly, ALWAYS wear gloves!
You will be dealing with some pretty yucky stuff. It is poop and urine after all!
You will want to make sure you won’t be spreading any of those germs to yourself so wearing gloves is important.
Should I wear a mask when cleaning a cat litter box?
You can also wear a mask as well to keep you even more protected.
Remove old litter – To make it easy on yourself, get a large trash bag and dump all of the old litter into that. Use the litter scoop to scrape off any stuck-on litter and get as much of it into the bag as you can.
Wash the box – Using a sponge or rag, soap, and warm water, clean the entire box. You should clean the inside and outside of the box. If it has a lid or cover, clean that as well. The step is best done outside if you can. You can still do it inside though.
Just make sure you aren’t using your bathtub or kitchen sink. You don’t want to spread germs!
Dry the box and apply a box liner – Once it is nice and clean, dry it off with a clean towel and apply the litter box liner. If your kitty doesn’t like those, you can skip that part.
Fill with clean litter – Fill the freshly cleaned box with new litter. Put in about 2 or 3 inches of litter into the box so your kitty has enough to use the next time it goes to the bathroom.
Now your cat is ready to continue using its litter box. Make sure you are keeping your cat’s litter box scooped and cleaned on a consistent basis.
Cats are picky little creatures and if you want them to keep using the box, it needs to be up to their standards.
Remember, if you can smell the box, so can they!